All I Wanna Do

Iyke Onka

Added on : May 15, 2017

All I Wanna Do – Iyke Onka
May 15, 2017 Oluwarufus
In Lyrics

Jesus You are beautiful
There’s no higher calling
There’s no better feeling
Than to worship You my King

There is nothing else I’d rather do
Than to sing this song for You
It’s not about the sound
It’s more than rhyme and rhythm
It is what I’m living for

All I wanna do is worship You
Jesus You are beautiful
There’s no higher calling
There’s no better feeling
Than to worship You my Lord & my King

Though my music fade away
Still my heart with You will stay
I’m humble adoration
I worship You
It’s not about the sound
It’s more than rhyme and rhythm
It is what I’m living for

Download song here



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